Personal Finance Resources: Financial Education & Literacy

How to Live on Your Own

Written by PSECU | Jul 10, 2024 12:00:00 PM

Moving out on your own is an exciting, big step. It also comes with some unknowns. Whether you’re debating living on your own at 18 or in your 20s — or branching off to an exciting new stage of life for the first time at any age — you’re going to have questions.

This guide is designed to replace some of those unknowns with answers and information to empower you and help guide your decision-making process.

In this guide, you’ll find information about how to survive on your own, including:

  • Questions to consider before moving out for the first time

  • Practical knowledge of how to move out of your parent's house or other living situation

  • Advice on how to budget and save for living on your own

  • A comparison of whether buying or renting is better for your specific situation

  • Things to be aware of when looking for a new space

  • Instruction on how to handle household chores, such as cooking and laundry

  • Tips for living on your own for the first time during college

Learning how to live on your own doesn’t have to be overwhelming or challenging. It just requires practical planning and foresight. This guide to living on your own for the first time is designed to get you started — and eventually out the door — feeling confident and secure throughout the process.

Looking for Tips and Resources? We’re Here to Help

While you’re looking for information on your own and planning, you may need extra assistance. Sometimes, talking with someone about specific options and services is helpful.

We’re here to be a financial resource for you. From budgeting tools to vehicle loans and everything in between, we’re ready to help you take the first step. It’s a big world out there, but if you’re ready to take it on, we’re here to help.

If you have questions about the   PSECU offers that can help you on your way or want to join PSECUcontact us.

Ready to Make Your Move?

This guide is designed to provide answers, support, and tools to help you make important decisions. While you’re in the information-gathering phase, we can help you plan the groundwork for your big move.

The days of sitting around and wondering how are over. You’re moving into an exciting future armed with useful, practical information. Keep this guide on hand and review it for help and insight as you reach each milestone.

Are you ready? Your new journey starts today.

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