Personal Finance Resources: Financial Education & Literacy

Homeschooling on a Budget

Written by PSECU | Jul 12, 2024 12:00:00 PM

Homeschooling can be an excellent way for you to spend more time with your child and create a curriculum based on your child’s particular needs and learning style.

If you’re considering homeschooling your child, you might be wondering, “Can I afford to do this?”

The answer is yes! Homeschooling is doable for most families with nearly any budget. With some careful planning, you can save money on books, trips, and other expenses and start your child’s educational journey from your own home. We’ve put together a list of tips to help you save money as you make the switch to homeschooling your child.

Expenses of Homeschooling

Homeschooling regulations differ from state to state, and because of the number of resources available to meet different families’ needs and budgets, average expenses can be difficult to estimate.

Without a doubt, your child’s curriculum represents a significant portion of homeschooling expenses. However, because the state allows parents to borrow their local school district’s planned courses, textbooks, and other curriculum-related materials at no cost, you can save hundreds as you acquire the resources you need for your child’s studies.

Along with a curriculum, you’ll need to consider several other costs when preparing to homeschool your child, including school supplies, field trips, and extracurricular activities.

Some homeschool parents report spending next to nothing on supplies by creating their own curriculum or finding free online courses, while the average parent spends $700 to $2,800 to homeschool their child the first year. The difference lies in your willingness to do your research and find unique ways to save money.

Ways to Save Money While Homeschooling Your Child

It’s easy to overspend while getting ready to homeschool your child. From purchasing a new curriculum to buying supplies and taking your child on field trips, it can be challenging for any parent new to the homeschool lifestyle to remain within their budget.

Fortunately, staying within your means is both feasible and simple. Here are six ways you can cut the cost of homeschooling your child while still providing them with a solid education.

1. Make a Plan

Before you start bulk-ordering your supplies and choosing a curriculum, do your research and make a plan based on available resources and recommendations.

You’ll find an array of popular homeschooling blogs that give first-time homeschool parents unique ideas and tricks to save money throughout the school year. Many of these sites also offer deals on curriculum, free worksheets, and other low-cost solutions that can add value to your child’s education without breaking the bank.

Many support groups and associations are also available to connect with before you begin your homeschool journey. The PA Department of Education website offers a full list of statewide homeschooling support groups and resources, most of which offer networks, conferences, newsletters, evaluator resources, and more.

2. Connect with Other Local Homeschool Families

Networking with local homeschool families is more than just a way to help your homeschooler get socialized. You can talk face-to-face with experienced families who have homeschooled several children and know the ins and outs of doing so on a budget.

Most homeschool parents will be more than happy to share their money-saving ideas and experiences. Because they’ve “been there, done that,” they can point you to the most inexpensive materials.

3. Buy Used Items or Find Teacher Discounts

If you don’t plan on taking advantage of your school district’s free materials, you can purchase a used curriculum from an online auction website or discount site to save up to hundreds of dollars on your materials. Many sites offer resources in like-new condition, so they’ll likely last for you to reuse with younger children and save more money in the future.

Now that you’re serving as your child’s teacher, you may also be eligible for teacher discounts on new supplies like writing utensils and notebooks. Call your local school supply stores, crafts stores, or bookstores to ask if they offer discounts for homeschooling parents before you choose where to buy your child’s new supplies.

4. Take Advantage of Your Local Library

Are you planning your child’s next book report project? Integrating a week-long study of their favorite topic into your curriculum? Turn to your local library.

The books at your local library offer extensive information on nearly any topic you want to teach your child. Before ordering an expensive book you’ll only use for a month, check out a few library titles. If you can’t find a book or information you need on a certain topic, you can also ask about interlibrary loans that allow you to borrow resources from another library for free.

5. Choose Free or Inexpensive Field Trip Options

Field trips are a must-do for any educational experience, particularly for the hands-on learner in your life. When you’re the one responsible for planning your child’s field trips, the choices may seem overwhelming. Fortunately, field trips can cost next to nothing. With some research and planning, you can even take your child on a field trip for free.

For example, go on a hike or ask a local business to give you and your child a tour. Or attend a book reading at your local library. You can likely find several local field trip options in your community that can be easily incorporated into your child’s studies. Some destinations even host special days for homeschooled students.

6. Research Your State’s Tax Relief Incentives

If you live outside of Pennsylvania, you should check into your state’s tax laws to see if you can receive tax credits for homeschooling. Currently, Pennsylvania doesn’t offer tax credits. However, laws are always changing, so it can be beneficial to stay up to date on the latest education legislation. Check with a trusted tax professional if you have questions.

Save Money This School Year with a PSECU Youth Account

Setting aside money each month for your child’s education is a great habit to get into, no matter what kind of schooling you choose. Save more with a youth savings account dedicated to your child’s educational expenses. We offer dividend-earning savings accounts to help you meet your goal. 

Join us today to budget for your child’s educational future and check out our Resource Center for more money-saving tips.