Student Banking + Beyond
From campus life and graduation to life beyond college, student banking gives you the chance to achieve more on your path to financial independence.
Student banking is banking for life.
Digital banking
Manage your account wherever you are online or in the mobile app.
- 24/7 access to your money
- Mobile deposits
- Account alerts
- Go cashless and transfer funds
Checking for life
- Free checking that’s with you every step - now and after graduating
- Debit card rewards1
- 85,000+ surcharge-free ATMs
- ATM rebates2
- No-fee Overdraft Protection Transfer Service
Saving for the future
Get peace of mind when you start saving for your future.
- Federally insured by the NCUA
- Just $5 is all it takes to establish and maintain a savings account
- Long-term savings options (certificates and IRAs)
Member perks
What’s so good about student banking? That’s easy. It’s with you for life.
Some banks require you to change your account after you graduate or hit an age threshold. But with us, there’s no need to close out your account just to open a new one - your student account is your permanent account. Meaning, you’ll always be able to enjoy these member benefits:
Plus, with digital banking, you can access and manage your money anytime, anywhere you are.

How can we help you achieve even more?
Secured Visa® card
Money market accounts
Student loans
Student loan calculator
Auto loans
Financial Education
Credit Unions vs. Banks
Interested in joining PSECU, but still not quite sure what a credit union is? Let us break it down for you. The main difference is that credit unions are not-for-profit financial institutions, which means we aren't focused on earning big bucks for stakeholders. Instead, we're focused on helping you, our student members, build a solid financial foundation without the hassle of hidden fees. Ready to get started? Check out this quick tutorial on becoming a member.

Achieve More with PSECU
More gimmes + less gotchas = modern digital banking. Become a member today, and let your money live in the 21st century.
1 You can earn $0.10 cash rewards on eligible purchases of $10 or over with a PSECU checking account and one or more qualifying monthly direct deposit(s) totaling at least $500. You can earn $0.05 cash rewards on eligible purchases of $10 or over for accounts with a PSECU checking account. Certain restrictions may apply. See the Visa® Debit Card Rewards Program Terms and Conditions for full details.
2 If you use a PSECU debit card at an out-of-network ATM and get charged, we'll rebate fees on withdrawals up to $20 per month with direct deposit and up to $8 per month without.
3 © 2021 Sallie Mae Bank. All rights reserved. Sallie Mae, the Sallie Mae logo, and other Sallie Mae names and logos are service marks or registered service marks of Sallie Mae Bank. All other names and logos used are the trademarks or service marks of their respective owners. SLM Corporation and its subsidiaries, including Sallie Mae Bank, are not sponsored by or agencies of the United States of America.